
Grace United Methodist Church Art Exhibit

I was recently selected to display my artwork at the Grace United Methodist Church's 2nd annual View, Enjoy, Celebrate Art Exhibit from July 23 - Aug 23. This is a photo of Oscar Duran (who organized the exhibit) and myself with my painting The Caryatids.

Here's Looking at You

A painting done of a friend's yellow nape parrot (2 views). She was very talented...she could sing "The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You" as well as many other songs. She would greet her owner with the words, "Hello darlin'" when the owner came through the door from work. Unfortunately, the parrot and the owner's husband did not see "eye to eye" and it was obvious that they couldn't tolerate each other. But the owner loved her dearly and had trained her well.....

I'm from Big D - My, Oh Yes!

This painting was named after the song of the same name. It was sold at The Artist Showplace exhibition which was mentioned in the previous blog.
From June 1 - June 29, seven artists from the watercolor group to which I belonged exhibited at The Artists Showplace in Dallas, Texas. My daughter, also named Davilla, came with me to help at the reception. We had a great turnout and met a lot of fellow artists. This painting of gardenias is called The Dance.


This is the painting as mentioned in the previous blog that was selected for the Richardson Civic Art Exhibition. The story behind the painting is discussed in that previous blog.

Richardson Civic Art Society Exhibition - 2010

From May 5 - May 31, 2010, I was fortunate enough to be juried into the Richardson Civic Art Exhibition. The painting that was selected was Waiting, a portrait I painted from a family photo my father had taken of me when we lived in Athens, Greece. One of my favorite activities was to feed the pigeons in a park across from where we lived. I added the pigeons to the painting even though they were not part of the original photo. A close up photo of this painting is featured as an earlier blog on this site.